Check out the GOD CONNECTS video below for a great introduction to baptism.
Check out the GOD CONNECTS video below for a great introduction to baptism.
Why Baptism?
As parting words to his disciples, Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” So, all Christians baptize people, but there are different views among Christians about what’s happening when someone is baptized.
Lutherans believe baptism is ultimately less about what we are doing, and more about what God is doing. We believe God Himself is present and active at a baptism with all His power and all His blessings of forgiveness, life, and salvation. A person may not fully understand what is happening when they’re baptized, but that doesn’t stop God from delivering His grace!
Who Gets Baptized?
Some good, faithful Christians (like Baptists) believe that baptism is only a person’s public confession of faith, and so they won’t baptize people who can’t speak for themselves. Again, because we focus more on God’s promised blessings in baptism than on our own understanding of it, we baptize people of all ages. If a person is old enough to speak, they state their Christian faith before being baptized, but ultimately infants and young children are baptized for the same reason adults are baptized: because of the command, promise, and gift of God. We believe everyone, young and old, is included in Jesus’ words “all nations.” Even at the height of his popularity, Jesus specifically invited little children to come to him in Luke 18:15-17!
Part of why we baptize infants is because we believe in original sin: that we are all born as broken people in a broken world. We believe that “there is no one righteous, not even one.” (Romans 6:10) We believe that when Adam & Eve sinned, human existence changed from being pure, innocent, joyful, and rewarding to sinful, broken, guilty, and frustrating. Only Jesus can restore us.
So, we baptize people of any age, in any place, at any time, and in any way (immersion, too) because we all need new life in Jesus. If you or a family member are interested in being baptized, you can fill out our baptism form to request more information about it.
Our confirmation students also learn about communion. The lessons below have great information for both youth and adults alike if you'd like to dive deeper.
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